A Little God In My Hands - from the album To be Kind by Swans

Hello everyone! The third song of the album and one of my personal favorites. In A Little God In My Hands the theme of the human experience has being something meaningless really start to be explored more clearly. The lyrics represent the universe and "the universal mind" has something that is waiting for the eminent end, while representing the human life has something that is driven by animalistic needs, creating a sense of despair and raw truth. My take on this poster was very inspired by concrete poetry even in the way that Michael Gira sings each line and the way that the instruments blend with the lyrics. That string explosion could not be ignored 🔮

You can listen to the song in here: https://open.spotify.com/track/4mrNM8xty1oKVGpYsm7zf8

João Torres
Currently designing at PLANA

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