Mercury Website Redesign—Behance Case

Hi all,
Few months ago we have successfully launched Mercury website. It was a huge website redesign and rebranding project.

It was a big website redesign and rebranding project.
The first discovery workshop was done in January, and we've come a long way since then. It was a great collaboration between the client and different @Degordian teams.

We did: User Experience, Visual communication together with the digital branding, illustration, photoshoots, video production, animation, copyrighting, seo, UI design, front-end, backend development, and more...

I managed to find the time to do a Behance case study, where we show some behind the scenes.Also we try to present a small part of the the project process.

Be sure to check the whole case study on Behance —›


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Digital design & web production studio.
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