Firing Line*

Hey! I know Dribbble's been getting a lot of bad rep recently for looking like a shop window instead of playing to it's true calling... a topical garden burgeoning with opinions and feedback to help creatives of all walks of life further their skills, and most importantly learn form their peers.


This is a call to arms, throw down your feedback on this latest shot, be as skilltastic with your words and devilishly cruel and unshackled as you like. Because, here's what I'll do - I'll send whoever throws down the most honest and thoughtful response a poster. Wait there's proof - check the attached file 🏀

So, get your game face on, let's get this ballgame back on track, I'll give you all till Friday 🔥

James Oconnell
Let's work together, grab me on wave@james-oconnell・com ✏︎
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