Neighborly Instagram Logo

I recently decided to create a new Instagram to share physical resources that I and others use to help designers grow their craft. There are a lot of products out there but I want to go out and find the ones that are actually useful. I want to start posting 2-3 resources a week to help designers. If anyone has suggestions or things they want me to explore just let me know. For now I’m just going to post things with short descriptions but in the future I would love to be able to do actual reviews of each thing and give a 1-10 rating of products. I just want to make sure people are interested first.

I chose the name “neighborly” because neighbors share and that's what this is all about. Sharing and helping each other grow.

If you have suggestions of products to try let me know. These are just the things I use and inspire me to be better.


Follow the account if you want!

More by Brooks Hungate

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