Black Cap - Sustainable Cannabis
Black Cap has been an ongoing project that @Britton Stipetic , @Ted Pioli , @Etru , and I have been working on. We're about to be done with the branding and now we're ready to share our process!
The story behind the name and mark: The identifying mark of the Chickadee. Massachusetts official state bird, pulling an icon from New England nature. Chickadees are symbols of success and good luck especially when seen in a vision of the future. They also travel as messengers with an easily identifiable call. As messengers of a new ideology and culture we’re looking to make connections with like-minded people. In revolutions, symbols of group and association often express attitude and cause. Black cap, therefore, is derived by a natural and New England based way of thinking and distributing products and ideas with an element of "bite" to it. Black cap is a snappy word. Like a spade hitting earth, a flag pole piercing into a mountain top. The symbol you stitch into a flag or tattoo on you arm. We wear our hearts on our sleeve.
More of our process soon, so stay tuned!