The thorn bird
这么多年我最爱的名字就是归途中的刺鸟,因为我认为我就是它。 所以用它做了名字。 荆棘鸟,是传说虚构的一种奇特的动物,它一生只唱一次歌。从离开巢开始,便执着不停地寻找荆棘树。当它如愿以偿时,就把自己娇小的身体扎进一株最长、最尖的荆棘上,流着血泪放声歌唱——那凄美动人、婉转如霞的歌声使人间所有的声音刹那间黯然失色!一曲终了,荆棘鸟终于气竭命殒,以身殉歌——以一种惨烈的悲壮塑造了永恒的美丽,给人们留下一段悲怆的绝唱。 The thorn bird is a legendary and unusual creature, which sings only once in his life. From the beginning of leaving the nest, he kept looking for the thorn tree. When it got, put her body into the longest and most of the sharp thorns from flowing blood, singing that beautiful and melodious like Xia songs that all human voice suddenly be cast into the shade! At the end of the song, the thorn birds finally air dried life artist, who sacrificed song in a tragic tragic shape of the eternal beauty, to give people the impression of a sad song.