User profile view on ShelfJoy - Empty State (+ Mobile view πŸ”— )

On ShelfJoy, when someone creates an account using their social profiles like Twitter, Facebook or Google+, we pull their basic data such as profile picture, bio description, name, so on and so forth and arrange that on a very familiar but different profile layout based on the context of our platform. πŸ“š πŸ”₯

This helps us make the empty state of the profile for a first time user look inhabited. On top of this, we use the empty state to guide the users to create a new shelf, add books to their reading list or start getting recommendations from friends or strangers based on which tab they are at. This is very important if you want to decrease bounce rates from empty states or pages and keep them in the intended user flow of the platform. πŸ“ πŸ“Š

See the whole platform in action πŸ‘‰ here
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