Enter PIN - Daily UI 011

I focused on giving the user as much feedback as possible. When a button is pressed, it scales slightly. When an incorrect PIN is entered, the PIN shakes and an error message is shown.

When creating an error message, I make sure that it's direct, with a simple message on how to correct the error. It's very easy to frustrate a user if you're too funny or sarcastic with the error message. As for the success message, you can be as funny as you like!

This was created with Framer and I'm reluctantly sharing the code here because I did not follow ANY basic coding principles like DRY or KISS. So, sorry. https://framer.cloud/ZbUEZ/

I'm reluctant to share because I need to spend more time learning how to build arrays with all of the buttons. As it stands, 2046 is the only way to create the error message, and 1379 is the only way to create the success. I'm still learning this tool...

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