Medium article ☕ Solid design system. Figma components

In this article I`m going to show you a simple and effective front-end architecture that will help to generate new sections of the product or make changes in the future more effectively. Now the approach to the development of the interface visual part within the organization / team has changed in a better way. Modern visual development tools allow you to use the relationship between the elements, simplifying the customization of individual modules or entire screens to group these modules in the component libraries and give access to all authorized persons. Such principles can be called a design language, design system or product design. Just as you wish. The essence remains the same: having put the right algorithm for the development of all graphical modules, you get limitless scalability for all types of devices and screen resolutions. According to the principles of “Atomic design” I’ll start with atoms and move on to more complex components. I`ll work in Figma and will demonstrate that the Sketch has a competitor, which should not be underestimated...

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