A Portfolio Redesign

I've been putting some work into a maturation of my portfolio website over the past few weeks/months - I'm excited to finally share the first version I felt was "shippable."

As I've been insistent on coding everything myself, each successive iteration of my portfolio has been constrained by my front-end dev chops - a cost of forcing myself to learn that I was willing to accept. I would often design something I had no idea how to actually build, then be forced back to the drawing board as I worked through various issues. Mimicked the product development lifecycle pretty well, actually!

This iteration is different. This time, I was able to build exactly what I designed, and use the front end cycle to add polish with things like animation and scaling. There are still areas in my mind where I know I need to improve, but I no longer feel hamstrung - which is nice.

From a design perspective, I wanted to create an environment in which many different projects could live, while still feeling like part of the whole. This system should scale well with different project types, as well as with articles I may write in the future.

Next steps will probably be creating a CMS for all this, which I'm sure I'll be fumbling around with - as they say, experience is the best teacher.

Would love to hear your thoughts! Press "L" if you like!

More by Jesse Jackson IV

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