The 1 Dribbble shot per week challenge
When I first started coding, I'd come across these challenges like the 'GitHub 100 day contribution challenge', '1 Website per day challenge' and so much more. With me participating in challenges like these, it didn't matter if I was writing clean code or not, all that mattered was that I was coding continuously. Coding at a stretch meant practice and more practice means all the more better code.
Perfect code comes with practice. While perfecting code is essential for development, coming up with the perfect shot is imperative for Design.
I've taken this challenge upon myself where I commit to contribute a shot per week to the community - this way I'm not only pushing myself to solve a challenge, I'm also working to make my Design instincts sharper, clearer and much more precise.
So look forward to my shot on Monday and the Monday after that, whether it is good or bad all that matters is that I'm practising continuously.
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