
This past 2 weeks, I've been working on building an in-house toolkit for Strafe, an agency located in Nottingham. The reason behind doing this was to allow the team to put together effective sitemaps for clients as quickly and as efficiently as possible, while maintaining a consistent theme and brand identity within the layout & style.

In total, it features 24 main boards, and 70 fully customisable symbols that they can access, but for now, I'm just showing the page designs. Considering this is version 1, more designs will most likely be created and added in the future, and any hidden bugs that I may have missed will be ironed out.

I had a lot of fun making this, especially since this was an introduction project into the company, and I look forward too producing more work with them and expanding my knowledge and portfolio! Definitely check out the attachment to see the main boards.

Curtis Lee
Designer & Code Lover 🎨👨‍💻

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