Acorns Potential Screen

We recently updated the Potential screen in the Acorns app to help Investors visualize their future potential. Although investing returns are never a guarantee, this calculator gives you a sense of how automated features like Round-Ups and a Recurring Investment can really add up over time.

We built a fully working prototype of this screen in Framer, it's awesome you can incorporate web technologies like Canvas, which is how I created the dynamic graph in the prototype. We did several rounds of user testing to make sure people really understood everything going on on this screen.

Then our amazing iOS team totally bossed it, getting the initial version built in just one 2 week sprint πŸƒπŸ»πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ

If you have Acorns you've probably seen this screen already, if not, here's my invite code to start your account off with $5

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