Ola Partner Clubs - Monitor, Motivate And Reward Partners

OLA Partner Clubs : Monitor, Motivate and Reward Partners

Objective : Positive re-enforcement + gamification of the driver partners to get rewarded as per their performance.

Why medals : After doing several partners interviews, we understood medals/badges are very relevant to them as pictograms and they can easily connect with them. Also, providing different kind of badges, e.g. : platinum, diamond, gold etc made sure which are more costlier than the others, which acted as a metaphor of their improvement point of view.
If they are in Gold, they know by performing better they can achieve diamond badge, which will give them ample reward points (personal loans, daily utilities, VAS etc).
Rewards are the motivator to perform better and achieve the highest possible.

Visual Appeal : Segregating the partners as per their performance (OLA score) by aesthetic appeal of the visual layout, differentiating medals with relevant benefits of the Club.
Which club you are into,
How is your performance in good, average and bad,
How to improve sections,
Benefits of the Club you are into.

[ Visual Design layout inspiration from @Laura Reen and @Monter]

Ivy Mukherjee
Design Manager @Bumble // Previously: Shopify Growth

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