Podcast Covers

I have been working lately on a side project and it is podcast. Really excited to share it with you guys! :)

It is a project that allows me personally to learn something new about my field and other jobs that compliment design thinking. It's a journey of learning from people who are experts in their field. The guest that will be/are on the podcast are people who, in my opinion, have something meaningful or interesting to share and learn from. One episode a week is what I will do my best to deliver.

The entire brand identity for is not finished so I did put something together really fast.

Ep 1. Sanne Kruis - Digital Marketing Strategy -
Ep 2. Joris Fonteijn - The Art of Persuasion -
Ep. 3 Chris Do - Play the long game -

Podcast links:
Soundcloud -
iTunes -

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