mandala for Kids

I was asked to be a sponsor for a beautiful event for moms&kids, in our community. So I made a little research and I discovered why mandalas are perfect decorations ideas for children's room:
1. Researchers have repeatedly shown that newborns prefer to look at black and white geometric shapes, rather than bright colors or pastels..... High contrast shapes and patterns provide the baby with something engaging to focus on, and in this focus – or intense concentration – they can allow their minds to rest. High contrast shapes... are designed to hold babies' attention and the results from them is breathtaking.
There are studies that show that "babies chose to look at the black and white items"(ex. Bower, T.G.R., "A Primer of Infant Development. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1977, p. 9. ) .
2. ( I already knew this but is good to be mentioned) Mandalas are circular designs symbolizing the notion of continuity. They help to relax the busy mind and free the creative thoughts, being used in meditation or deep focusing activities.
3. Mandalas are great decorative ideas for any space, covering a large pallette of decorative styles.
So would you choose a black&white mandala to decorate your kid's room?

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