Gamut Test

I'm pleased to announce the first test round of a color app I've been developing. I'm looking for a few good illustrators, designers, and pixel artists to put this thing through its paces. In exchange for some feedback you'll receive a free copy once it's released.

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Features - Gamut supports ASE, Procreate Color Swatches, CLR, Corel PAL, and Microsoft PAL file formats. - The .gamut file type is just a JSON file, handy for using in other workflows - The gradient tool (lower right hand side of the app) allows you to drag colors in and out of it to create color ramps between various swatches. Right click to toggle if a color acts as a stop in the gradient or not. Shift + Click to quickly add colors to the palette. - The color editor (top right hand side of the app) allows you to adjust a swatch, or use the color picker to pick a new value for the existing swatch from anywhere on screen. Shift + Click with the color picker active will add the new values to the palette instead of replacing the existing swatch. - The left hand sidebar shows you the distribution of colors in a palette, as well as copy out the swatch values in various text formats.


More by Dylan W.

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