EPIC rock type in 3 STEPS Cinema 4D tutorial
Hey guys, today we are going to look at how we can make some epic rock type in 3 simple steps.
Cinema 4D R19 arrived at my door the other day and to say I was excited is an understatement. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to come up with a way to create text that looked like it was made up of boulders but still have full control to swap out the text at any point. With R19 the answer is just a stone's throw away.
In this tutorial we are going to take a look at the new detailing and glue options in the update Voronoi fracture, light and texture our scene then we will finish off in Adobe Lightroom for some final adjustments.
lets rock and roll!
WATCH TUTORIAL https://youtu.be/O8K4XGbHHwI
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Email - hello@seandove.com.au Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/seantysondove Website - www.seandove.com.au