My Portfolio Work Page - Almost ready to launch! πŸš€πŸ˜±

His hands slid off the keyboard as he let his body slump into his black office chair. With a dig of the heel and a jerk of the knee the chair began to swivel around, and around, and around.

"5 years!" he thought, "And not once have I been proud of the work I've done for myself - the work that defines myself to the corporate world."

This wasn't the first time this conversation had penetrated his brain. Nearly every week he seemed to open his project files in an attempt to polish his presentation. And nearly every week he found himself in an opportunity to demonstrate his skill sets, but looked away. He was embarrassed of himself...

Light bulb. Why had this switch not flipped earlier? It was stupidly brilliant.

"I believe in what I do. I've created success for others. Why have I not followed the process I sell on myself?!" He rolled his eyes with dismay.



I'm speaking of course, of myself. Never happy with my portfolio - always discouraged when asked to show it. But soon that changes! πŸ˜ƒ I'm building a site I'm finally proud of, using the process I sell to clients. Finally.

More by Isaac N.C.

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