BNP Paribas - Client Overview 360

Hi people,

We worked on a cool project for BNP Paribas with the talented team at Sugar CRM late 2016/2017.

What was the problem?
BNP needed to improve client management and overview. Since they have clients that count more than 150k employees. So how can you structure client(company) profile page to better understand what is the latest, who is the relationship manager, what is their company hierarchy etc.

Our solution
We introduced a “Client 360” view incorporating their existing CRM system, that allows a faster, clearer and more effective general view of their clients, client corporate hierarchy and coverage team managing that client. Designs were executed understanding the limitations of their current client management process and expanding those with a fresh perspective on a faster and simpler user experience. Fast and clear overview over clients makes it easier to act on any tasks and ongoing deals. In the process garnering potential for improved quality in customer relations and sales.

More stuff coming.

Check out the attachments. First shot is 1920px while others are 1440px laptop screens.

Balkan Brothers
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