Dribbble Watch App

Well, lightning struck and did it ever! Not only did I receive an invitation to Dribbble, but from the CEO himself. Thank you @Zack Onisko! This event loosely coincided with the official Dribbble app (woohoo!) and my Apple Watch app obsession, so my debut post is an homage to Dribbble as seen on the Watch.

Some might think there's too much info for such a small screen, but I challenge that idea because email and texting work great on it. I think the smart watch is an underutilized platform and I'd love to peruse Dribbble on it.

Naturally, the design is all Dribbble, I'm just borrowing it to show my solution consistent with the corporate look. Let me know your thoughts on the UX/UI and motion graphics.

I used AE, AI and PS. Thanks again @Zack Onisko!