041 Zubat

Day 41, Zubat
Sometimes it's difficult for me to balance all of my hobbies.

Cosplay usually takes around 50-100+ hours per outfit. LARP is 36 hours straight every month (plus countless hours creating props, and kits). Plus other projects I work on like a web series, an online shop, the occasional design freelance gig, and several social media accounts. I'm even trying to write a novel.

I love these hobbies. They make me feel amazing when I complete a project but sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the work I give myself.

That's probably why I've been lax about sticking to my daily routine when other hobbies come up. This past weekend I was at LARP (thus the three-day silence).

Sure I could create them in one go and continue to post them every day but blowing through posts wasn't why I started this series.

It was to get better and get faster at this particular craft and doing them in one go isn't going to be beneficial.

It's the same issue of binge watching a show. Sure you finished it really quickly but do you remember the small important detail that one side character mentioned in episode 4? Probably not.

But if you watch one episode at a time you'll have time to think about for the rest of the day. Time to reminisce about what you learned. You'll remember all of the tiny details.

Where people really learn is in the constant daily grind. Doing a little bit each day. Keep doing a little and eventually, you'll end up 100 times better than you were when you started.

That's how I get through each day with a million hobbies.

One thing at a time.

More by Mel Fisher-Wellman

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