Dangerous Data

While working on a few longer term projects I can't show a ton of, I'm going to post a couple of spots I did for @MailChimp the past few weeks for their "Mailchimp for Agencies" Medium publication.

This one in particular was to depict 'dangerous data' -- meaning, sometimes an analyst could be presented with too much data, which could actually be more detrimental than popular belief would lead you to think:

"The processes leading up to that generate a lot of data — but data alone isn’t inherently helpful. It can even be harmful if misinterpreted."

Article is here if you're into reading (i personally am illiterate) Mailchimp for Agencies

I've been posting a lot on instagram lately as my phone is attached to my hip and it's easiest. Feel free to follow along!

Kirk! Wallace
Constantly Comissioned Independent Commercial Art Studio. 🌙

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