Hotel Booking App - Journey Animation

A preview of the journey page in the Huazhu hotel booking app. This animation shows the user in the journey already checked into a Hanting hotel room, allowing them to optionally rate and tip the hotel staff before browsing the journey and entering the hotel detail page. The data shown in this journey is dynamic and based on the dates and itinerary the user has booked.

提前预览我们为华住酒店预订应用所重新设计的行程助手页面。 此动画显示用户已入住汉庭酒店并在浏览酒店详情页以前,提示用户可选择性的给酒店员工打分及打赏。基于用户酒店预订的日期以及行程安排,在浏览的整个过程中所显示的数据则全是动态的。

UI @Emma wong
AE @Jun Luo
CD @Samuel Jesse

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