Polymath Website Redesign
This is an in-progress site redesign of Polymath. One "feature" of the site I am working on is how the menu collapses. This is a bit different from the average site in that, on scroll both the menu and logo collapse into the traditional hamburger and the icon. They live fixed in the upper left and right corners while the user scrolls. This is what the lower slide is displaying for both the landing page, and the case study in the right column. This case study is for a previous project I had shown... for the Evan McMullin for President campaign I worked on. Again, you can see how the imagery shrinks to fit within those outer columns leaving space for the hamburger, logo icon and social platforms for sharing.
You can see more about my work with Polymath including the branding, misc collateral and more slides from the site as it takes shape here: http://jefftrojek.com/portfolios/polymath/