Thirty Logos #4 - Ping
Here is #4 in the #ThirtyLogos challenge.
I wanted to emphasise on the '...' as it's what we anticipate most when writing to someone on a messaging app, the response back.
"Good morning,
Ping is thrilled to be working with you. As you know, Ping is a growing chat platform for businesses and small teams. Some of our biggest competitors are Slack and Skype. What sets us apart is that we offer major features like group screen sharing, free of charge.
Our logo needs be text-based, focused on the word Ping. Feel free to explore icons that are aligned with the name but the name needs to be included.
We are open to any color scheme but would like to stay away from blues if possible. We're also open to any kind of typographic style and graphical style.
Warm Regards,
Brandon Powell Ping"