Music App

Designing interfaces is hard. It’s taken Spotify quite awhile to arrive at their current iteration and it’s pretty damn good.

Many designers make the mistake of starting a project directly from Photoshop, For me white boarding, sketching and research is where I begin any project. I like to have a full grasp of what Im trying to accomplish before I even think of moving a pixel. When you sketch or white board you can really start pairing down the “fluff” and gain a clearer point of view for what you’re looking to solve.

The app by itself can’t do much. If we as humans and designers can design the app to help build things that improve an individuals quality of life, then we have done something special.

#Music #app #brand #designthinking #process #Research #PixelPerfect #Spotify #ThinkBeforeYouDesign

Posted on Aug 24, 2017


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