OQ Farm - Creative Sanctuary
This is one of the most exciting projects I have worked on to date. The screens you're seeing are my initial designs for an upcoming website refresh (I hope it will launch some time next year). I have developed a lot of materials for this 500 acre farm which serves as an artist's sanctuary in Vermont, US. You can view the full case study and the story of the logo design (a seasonally treated logo where some of my work was fused with paintings by renowned art, Bruce Herman) on my personal site http://jefftrojek.com/portfolios/oq-farm. On a personal level, as an artist myself, this may be the most exciting project I have ever worked on and continue to work on.
The functionality of this site is also something very exciting. I pitched a concept where the image you see in the hero in the upper left screen is not simply a static image or even a single video shot. Rather, I wanted to create something more immersive, to give the user a feeling for what it's really like to be at the farm. I know for myself, the two weeks I've spent there were something entirely differently than simply seeing photos of the property. So we plan on taking a camera and doing some location scouting on the farm and the from a single vantage point, we intend on taking a 15 second video once an hour for a 24 hour period. Then when we code the site, depending on your time zone, the video will change to match that time of day. So if you visit early in the morning, you'll see the sun rising and birds chirping, and then int he evening you will see a moonlit landscape with crickets chirping, etc. The point of this, as I stated, is really to give the user a real sense of the peacefulness of the property. Then we plan on taking this further and creating a video for each season of the year. The property is currently adding a lot more amenities to accommodate artists of any ilk. Very exciting to see this all coming together.