
Since the birth of our first child, my wife and I have taken and stored thousands of photos, all of which sat on the home drive unseen. Since we knew our second daughter was coming, I needed a way to share these photos with our family in a way that was engaging and also completely private.

Meet Waddle.Photos. This app is meant to deliver the joy of sharing photos on places like Instagram, but without the oversight of the Big Brother.

Your photos and videos are only seeing by the people you specifically allow to see them, and no one else.

Since testing this with my family, we've shared hundreds of great memories, so much so that even great-grandparents visit the app twice a day. They love it, and I hope you would too.

p.s. There is no iPhone/Android app yet. It's all web based and optimized to work well in the browser. We just welcomed our second daughter, so both apps will be available in the fall once I start sleeping again :)

p.p.s. Much thanks to my friend @Gabe Couch for the rad waddle icon. Such a talented illustrator!

More by Kirill Zubovsky

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