what you see

"What you see is what you see." - Frank Stella

When we create as designers, we have to accept that not everyone will perceive our work the same way. Not everyone will have the same reaction, appreciation or criticism.

Design is about our interpretation as the viewer. Not his, not hers, not theirs, but mine. I look at artwork through my own lens and make my own assumptions, form my own conclusions, tell my own imaginative story.

Design isn't prescriptive. It's meant to move people and to make us feel uncomfortable. But, that's what makes us human. Our lens may be completely different from that of another individual, and that's okay. Those opposing views are healthy.

We, as a design community, are fueled by an unbridled creativity and passion, and in the words of Frank Stella, "What you see is what you see." Don't let someone else's opinions sway you. Stay true to yourself, own your work and stand up for what you believe in.


If you happened to skip past my ramblings (no worries, it's all good!), I have been super inspired recently by some of the poster work that the Colby Printing Co. did, back in the day. There's something so brutally honest about their style, that I love. Highly recommend you check out some of their work.

Also, Frank Stella is ALWAYS an inspiration to me. His linework was so far ahead of its time, and he continues to be an inspiration to us all. (this is one of my favs)

Anyway cheers!

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