Southampton Pedals - the humble beginnings

I'm finally ready to share the extensive amount of work done over the years for Southampton Pedals, an independent guita pedal maker out of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. As a (bad) guitar player myself, this is one of my bucket list item checked, right there.

It all started with this drawing of a Mullard EL91 vacuum tube I did back in 2012, when i first started experimenting with drawing on my trusty iPad 2 (which I still use...). Hamish, the gentleman behind the brand, was at the time just making pedals for fun, and came across the drawing on my DeviantArt page. He got in touch asking if he could do a quick and dirty decal on it for his pedal. I bartered a copy of the pedal in exchange, which you can see in the first attachment (second image from the top). I got my pedal, and didn't think too much of it for a while.

Fast forward some time, and Hamish gets back in touch with me, as he's getting lots of orders for his simple overdrive pedal, and wants a quick brand put together, as well as a more legit design for the pedal. So, based on our common taste for Courier Std, I quickly set some type elements, in three colors. I also created a set of Facebook and Twitter assets based on the same color schemes.

We then explored a better drawn vacuum tube (sixth shot in the first attachment), but finally decided against using it in the final pedal design (bottom of first attachment).

Then, after all of that, the new incarnation of the pedal was ready to be built (second attachment - note the further refined graphics)!

Simon Hartmann
Designer, photographer, blogger. 🇫🇷 living in 🇺🇸. He/him

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