Faux 3D Paper Triangle Template - Print, Fold, Stand on Paper.
Your WiFi Password in your meeting room is a piece of paper sticking somewhere?
Guess what, you can turn a simple printed piece of paper into a great looking stand if you fold it right (even staples optional — push the ends into each other).
This is my first shot. A sketch template designed to easily create a US-Letter & A4 PDF incl. full vector simulated folding instructions (Magic Mirror required). The paper triangle folds into a paper stand that looks good from any direction and is used by us (shop.link) on conventions, since we used to run for printing deadline for last minute collaterals.
I printed my Sketch-App keyboard shortcuts on it and the github gitmoji set. I hope you like it! PS: I am looking for Mobile UX/UI/Augmented Reality Designers (React Native) to join us!
Note: When printing the PDF, use Adobe Reader and select "true size" in the printer settings.
Sketch File Download (don't forget to like :): https://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/2809-paper-triangle-template-sketch-freebie-resource.html
Sample A4: http://din.ooo/triangle-a4.pdf
Sample US-Letter: http://din.ooo/triangle-us-letter.pdf
Video how it was done (in essence): https://www.facebook.com/groups/sketchformac/permalink/1904351749816974/