Setlist Archive
Decided to restart an old side project this week with a friend of mine.
Essentially it allows musicians in churches or bands, to build setlist and publish them to unique URLs where whoever you need to share it with, can be emailed the URL and have access to any other published sets. A very simple ideal and you might say, it could be solved with a google doc, and that's valid. Though there is something to be said for a dedicated tool for a specific purpose, and I was never satisfied with just passing docs or sending lists in an email. The app is first and foremost, for me. If I'm able to use it, it's a success. If other people use it (it'll be free), I'd be over the moon, but it's not a failure if I'm the only one.
This is my second shot at building this. The old design was more playful and often a bit cluttered but, I really thought about how I would use the app. We stripped back a ton of features and we are really focusing on making it what it is. Simple. A list. So the design should reflect how simple and straightforward the practice of writing a list will/should be for the user.
As far as the build goes, originally I built the project in Angular 1 but, I've decided to start over in React.