Wip N' Rip

I kind of stumbled upon this phrase yesterday and the more and more I soaked on it, the more I came to love it. I’m always one to play on words and thought it was fun that wip and rip have almost the same abbreviation minus 1 letter — and I just thought, why not switch up the phrasing? It ended up resonating with me more than I thought it would.

As a young creative, I have this massive yearning to create, but my input doesn’t always seem to match up with my output. I’ll have this grand vision in my head and then when it doesn’t come to life within a couple of hours, I become frustrated and trash the idea completely.

Even when designing this phrase, I found myself wanting more from it, but not knowing how to address it. But I’m learning in these times of growth and transition as a designer, that everything we make is the next step in the direction to becoming the designer we want to be.

I love this phrase because it helps me center my mind and learn to be content in the process and progress of the project and ultimately the growth of myself as a designer.

I can just hear my inner self say, “Don’t fuss, work in peace and rest in the progress.”

Lol, sorry for the rant. Hope you enjoy and don’t forget:

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