UK Sticker Design: Marmite

Below is a description of what Marmite is, copied and pasted from this article. I have a friend who is from England who loves Marmite and when I saw this UK @Sticker Mule sticker design contest, I thought of this immediately! --- Marmite is a thick, sticky paste made from concentrated yeast extract, a byproduct from brewing beer. German scientist Justus Liebig accidentally invented the concoction in 1902.

Marmite has a very distinctive flavor. The taste is so unique as to defy description, but think of a yeasty, salty, soy sauce-esque flavor with the consistency of old engine oil. Some people really like eating it, and some people don’t like eating it at all.

Marmite actually based a marketing slogan off this divisiveness: “Love it or hate it.” It has infiltrated British culture and language to the point where a certain type of person might even be described as being “like Marmite”.

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