How to (not) present a gif/interaction

Some time back, I had to design and send over a concept for carousel interaction. I came up with 4-5 banners (two of which are shown here), that would smoothly interchange by clicking the arrows, next & back.

I had 15 minutes to design a high-def concept, and present it to management for approval. Essentially I would love to showcase this as a gif or an actual moving prototype, but the lack of time and my horrifying gif-making skills, had me come up with a quicker way to showcase this interaction.

This is something I do when i'm running out of time and it may not be the prettiest looking presentation, but it helps stakeholders, marketing team, creatives and other members envision the strategy you have in mind in terms of movement and concept, and can be put together in less than a couple minutes.

Check out the attachment for details of how I shared the interaction, and feel free to add any time-saving hacks for UI presentations that you might have too :)

More by Apurva K.

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