Medium drop down menu re-design
Medium's head of design said: While there are no guarentees, they will make some changes :)
As a power user of Medium, who reads stories and writes lots of stories, I am thoroughly dissatisfied with the current drop down menu. Thus, I went ahead and re-organised the menu, mainly for my own use.
Habits: I based my design decisions mainly on these behaviours - I frequently use & access my drafts to build upon work-in-progresses - I frequently go to my own profile where I then link to other people - I frequently return to my bookmarked stories to then share
I removed... - New story: I don't think it was necessary for there to be another button for creating a new story (never used that link) - Series: While I am not a series writer, I don't understand why the stories link is not sufficient - Publications: I think this page can be combined with 'my interests', thus I removed it - Become a member: User wise provides little value, might be different for medium's business goals
*I forgot to include stats in the new design, it would probably go below stories
I don't understand the users of the medium, but I do know what I can scan the information on the drop down menu better on the new design. As least for me.