ACL Intranet Interactive Org Chart Prototype

This is a prototype for an interactive office/organization chart for a former contract I worked on at Administration for Community Living (ACL). The project stalled when other public-facing projects took priority, so we never got the chance to complete it.

It's based on the colors (and their complements) of the non-public ACL Intranet from a few years ago, so the data is not current (i.e. I'm sure it has changed since I created it). The palette was also chosen with Section 508 and accessibility in mind. I just rechecked it, and in optimizing it for the web the colors shifted, and there is one color that is on the edge of not passing for color contrast. Do you know which one?

It was a fun project to work on since it used both sides of my brain (logical and orderly left, and creative right).

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