Opening up shop (again)

Got a few freelance gigs on the side and basically made an excuse to purchase the address I've really been meaning to get, before someone else nabbed it. In doing so, I also found out that 'jus' (which in my eyes is a shortened version of my name 'Justin'), is another word for gravy or the juices given off as meat is cooked. Who knew?

If you're wondering, the font combo I'm trying out is Chap and PostGrotesk. The logotype is a slightly modified version of Chap. I've made changes to the kerning, evened the baseline a bit, experimented with d's ascender and y's serifs and probably also tweaked the eye for 'e'.

For now it's just an empty page with my email, but I intend to work on it once I'm done with these projects.

👉 👈

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Posted on Jul 9, 2017

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