Chatbot πŸ’› πŸ’¬

Let's talk chatbots. WP defines chatbots as a computer program that is "designed to convincingly simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner". You may have used one (or many) in the last few years, and their application seems to be more and more common - often (I have found) in unexpected places; Here's a great example Wealthsimple.

In this shared design, the original problem seeking a solution was: how does someone who doesn't want to write about themselves write about themselves? How can we avoid giving someone too much control (blank text fields) or too little (not letting them write anything)?

The conversational approach that a chatbot facilitates was a perfect application here. It's not too leading, but it helps guide a user through a series of steps and questions efficiently, and not all at once. Predictive text also gives suggestions, and helps prevent a loss of momentum - How do I start this? "I offer high quality services..." for example.

Do you have any great examples of chatbots? Share!!

Posted on Jul 7, 2017

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