Hulled Rice Packaging
Background: There are more than 40,000 different varieties of rice and over 100 countries around the world where rice is grown; according to the United States Department of Agriculture, the number of Canada Milled Rice Imports in 2012 was 350,000 megatons. Because Canada does not grow rice, except for wild rice, there is a huge and untapped market for rice. Additionally, rice brands that currently exist usually show just the brand itself, rather than the details of the product that can help a consumer’s purchase. This can generate a lack of communication to the younger target market that lack knowledge on rice.
“Hulled” packaging creates a line of products that showcases different information of rice varieties such as grain size, type, texture, origin and best uses. The brand name and packaging was inspired from the common process of removing the rice husk after harvesting and drying. Moreover, the packaging was also designed with convenience of storage and usage in mind.
Awards: ADAA Semifinals—Print Communcations Honourable Mention—Design Thesis Branding Merit Award—Graphis New Talent