Order Movie Tickets! - Uplabs Design Challenge
Another challenge from www.uplabs.com I decided to partake in. This time its based around a better UX for ordering movie tickets online in fewer actions as possible. In the course of eight hours or so I took to complete this challenge I finished Silicon Valley and watched a couple terrible movies for white noise. I find these challenges to be good practice and portfolio building. Someone somewhere is probably going to derive inspiration from our posts and use them in their products but that's the game. A favorite painter of mine Picasso once said "Good artists borrow; great artists steal." It's absolutely true in this tech era of design and innovation. They say nothing is original anymore, just a mix of everyone else's shit.
Note: For this challenge I went with the idea that an app should be able to automatically show you items based on your location and prior movie ticket purchases. The movie suggestions are based on that history and my home location which is currently outside of Chinatown in Washington, DC.
Go view works and vote here: https://www.uplabs.com/challenges/movie-ticket-challenge
View my submission here: https://www.uplabs.com/posts/order-movie-tickets-uplabs-design-challenge-066b65d4-a59b-4aa5-817f-7f4915d23e39