Quantshield website

A long time ago I worked on this website. It was easy to do once I got what I am selling. But it was really difficult to figure out what it is I am selling.

I see it as a crucial part of every design process: to figure out what the business is offering, who is the paying client and why is it important for the client to get the product. Many times the product is very abstract. In this case it was an algorithm. It was not even directed towards humans. It was an algorithm that was improving the quality of work of other algorithms. It had to do with finance and traiding, and this graphic needed to appeal to a very certain group of developers that ran trading algorithms. The basics of trading were still there. They were trying to make some money out of stock market fluctuations. It is called algotrading. It is not a new field. An attempt to automate trading and have a robot or some software make money on autopilot has been taking place for many years now. Evidently this field has gotten so complicated that sub-products emerged.

At any rate, the time I needed to figure out what the product is, who the final paying client is, and how to appeal to them visually, took me more time then actually bringing this design together.

More by Mark Levi

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