Peduli Muslim Logo

Since the first time officially became a legal body authorized by Ministry of Law and Human Rights in December 2015, many social and humanitarian programs, both national and international, have been conducted by Peduli Muslim. The volunteers' network has also been expanding across the country, from Aceh in the west to Flores in the east. These are the volunteers that have considerably contributed to the success of all Peduli Muslim programs.

This wide network of volunteers, makes us realize that the challenges in giving dawah are huge. Many of the pioneer dawah areas across the country are still in need of help, weather help in term of Islamic education or material need. The widespread poverty around the community also makes us acknowledge the need of equitable aid, which means not only concentrated in Java since Java is generally considered more prosperous than other areas in Indonesia. Therefore, Peduli Muslim is trying to reach many other areas outside Java in order to deliver some programs, such as zakat distribution.

By the permission of Allah, Peduli Muslim also has been helping many Muslims that suffer from the humanitarian crisis in Syria due to recent war and calamity, also helping Somalian people that suffer from famine and starving due to drought disaster.

We would like to sincerely appreciate all the volunteers' team for their perseverance and sincerity in their contribution to the ummah welfare. We also would like to thank all the muhseenins (donors) and partner institutions which have been helping us in all our programs. Jazakumullahu khairan.

May Allah always give us sincerity in our heart and increase our spirit in contributing to increase the ummah welfare.

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