Source landing page

Hey guys,

This is my latest project and I'm excited to share it with you. I've just launched the landing page publicly. It's a new product called Source and it's a collection of all my key files that I use in my design workflow. From business, design to handoff. It's made for UI/UX designers - and is specifically for designers looking for a resource that is more end to end.

It's pretty much a way to look under the hood of my work. It’ll be a online library where you can download all the files or get the files as you need them. Need a good design brief reference? Or how about a freelance contract? Or a proposal doc? Or design system/styleguide? You can reference these files to create your own templates, use the files or even take a look and compare it to your own process. A lot of the files are from my flagship design course process with a few more extra files added. A few people have been interested in taking the course but are short on time and learn better from examples so this is perfect for that as well. You can check out the exact files that will be included in the first version on the site.

This is just the teaser page with more to be released soon. If this is something you're interested in you can sign up. I will also be journaling the process of launching a product as a designer – sharing behind the scenes stuff, what I’m working on, some videos to show how I start from product validation, to design, to dev etc. so if you are thinking of launching something you can learn from my experiences :)

Thanks so much for your time.

Cheers, Nguyen ---- Free 7 day email course Sharing my best stuff to help increase your value as UI/UX designer.

Verse Where I write about design and send 5 weekly inspiration links

Nguyen Le
Creative director now teaching at the Process Masterclass.

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