Watch Detail
'Sup guys
Here's an exploration for a product detail for a watch.
The idea is the user can get more photo's and/or info on the watch by scrolling. Maybe i'll animate this later this week.
The big challenge here for me was not using any color, i attached some versions were i was trying to bring some color into it but i'm not sure it worked out. Therefor i kept it black and white.
Please tell me what you think about the shot and color options in the attachment. Would love to hear you guys' thoughts on it.
If you are interested in learning this style of design, i'm working on my first skillshare class at the moment. If you like you can follow me on my skillshare profile (would mean the world to me), that way you will get notified when the class launches. Click here to go to the page.
Thanks in advance.
Have a great day! Peace!