Elisha Blockprint
“Elisha” by Brian White
Blockprint on coldpress 8” x 10” (print size)
I wanted to do a homage to Elisha and the miracles he performed. Top left, a miracle where he saved a group of prophets by fixing a poisonous soup. Top middle: The top room where Elisha was given room board. The main house below has the families son who has just passed away. Elisha lays on him three times and the boy is revived. Spirit of the boy is shown reentering the house by lightning. Left middle and bottom: when Elijah the prophet is taken up to heaven he drops his cloak for Elisha to “pick up where he left off”. When Elisha returns to the river he strikes the water with his cloak and the water parts, just like it did for Elijah. Bottom middle: the bear represents a unique time where a group of men and boys were yelling obscenities at Elisha and he calls a curse down on them. Bears come out of the woods and maul around 40 of the men and boys. The last miracle on the bottom right is where Elisha fed a group of 100 with a few loaves of barley bread and a few barley grains. Elisha was bald but I took liberties that he would keep whatever hair he had (on the sides). :) Prints available by request at www.brianwhitedesign.com