Invites x 2

****** UPDATE ******* CLOSED:
Congrats to @lyseeb and @mitchsantos for being drafted :-)

Giveaway is closed, and it was tough. There were a lot of good designers out there and to you guys I say keep at it! Good luck and I hope to see you on dribbble soon as well :-)

I have 2 invites to give away for 2 talented artists/designers. This is to find serious individuals who want to be a part of an awesome community and to grow together in our art as individuals and as teammates.

Just a few Things:

-Email me your best 2-3 pieces of work to

-In your email Tell me why you would like to join dribbble, and link me to your dribbble profile.

-Use your profile! Too many people want to be drafted just so they can say they are on dribbble and then don’t actually post anything. We are a community and a community needs engagement in order for us to foster growth and refinement of our skills and abilities.

Dribbble’s community guidelines say it best when they say Dribbble is a place for show and your work and tell others what you think of theirs.

Good Luck!

More by Nathan Lindblad

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