Idea Journal Challenge invitation
Hey Dribbblers!
I just got an idea about new way to play Dribbble and I would like to invite you guys to play together. It is called “IDEA JOURNAL CHALLENGE”.
Idea journal is a list of stuff that are kept together to describe a single idea especially when that idea is too big and has many applications.
To play this, you have to come up with the main big idea, and then create a series of shots on top of that idea to cover all features it can be applied.
——— How to play ———
IDEA JOURNAL CHALLENGE will takes at least one week to complete. If you decide to take this challenge, these are what you have to do…
Step 1: Enter “Challenge Accepted!” in the comment below to let me know you’re in.
Step 2: Think of your most creative Idea ever.
Step 3: Upload an intro shot to briefly describe your idea and indicate it as a part of the challenge by…
Add “Idea Journal Challenge" text somewhere in the shot
Tag it with a phrase “idea journal” when posting
Step 4: Upload at least 5 dailyUI shots to show other features. (Each feature must be the application that describing your main idea)
*** I will upload my idea's intro shot as a rebound of this shot as an example. (As i'm gonna accept my own challenge, absolutely!)
——— What rewards await? ———
1. Our creativity will be shared with each other
2. We will have series of awesome shots in our profile
3. We will be better each time we complete the challenge
4. We will be an enthusiastic Dribbblers team
5. It’s extremely fun and challenging to play with more players.
So, I create this event to challenge myself and other Dribbblers who are interested.
I’m looking forward to learn something from you guys who accepted this challenge.