My New Texture Course is Live!

Finding the perfect texture for your next illustration or design project doesn't have to be such a struggle. You have everything you need to make your very own, custom textures from things you can find all around you! In this course we are going to find and create physical textures that we can then scan into the computer to make a range of different digital texture tools! So step away from the screen, get your hands dirty, and make some textures!

A while back I sent out a survey asking what type of online course I should create next and over 400 of you responded with feedback! Thank you so much for helping me land on a topic! Hopefully you get everything you wanted and more out of the course. You can find it live now on Skillshare here:

And as an added bonus, if you upload your project cover image to the project section on Skillshare before midnight on July 1 CST, you will be entered to win both the SpaceRanger and Woodland Wonderland Photoshop Brush Packs I co-created with RetroSupply!

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